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[KISED(창업진흥원)]Recruitment of Accelerators(Non-Korean)(~2/28)
  • 키워드 일반(분야) , 일반(장르) , 사업소식
  • 기관명한국에듀테크산업협회
  • 등록일2023-02-16 00:00
  • 조회905
  • 수집일 해당 콘텐츠는 2023-02-14 19:03 에 정보를 수집하였습니다.
    변경사항이 있는지 해당 콘텐츠를 직접 확인시기 바랍니다.

Recruitment of Accelerators (Non-Korean or Consortia) for [2023 Global Market Expansion Program] | Application Date : 2023.02.10(Fri) 00:00~2023.02.28(Tue) 15:00 | Target : Non-Korean accelerators, or Consortia of multiple accelerators that includes non-Korean accelerators | Submission : Send the documents to the email of the Management Agency | Program Period : March~ November 2023 (To be determined)

한국에듀테크산업협회는 에듀테크/디지털콘텐츠분야 주관기관으로, 2023년 글로벌 엑셀러레이팅 운영기관(해외 엑셀러레이터 또는 컨소시엄) 모집공고를 진행합니다.
* 본 모집공고는 글로벌 프로그램 운영을 담당하는 엑셀러레이터를 모집하는 공고이며, 창업기업 모집공고는 '23년 3월 중 별도 공고 예정입니다.

Global Market Expansion Program, GMEP, aims at supporting Korean startups for their advancement into the global market, and global fundraising. The Korea Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development, KISED, hereby announce the recruitment of accelerators (non-Korean accelerators or consortia of multiple accelerators) who will operate this program. We look forward to your keen interest and proactive participation.

  • ㅇ General Information
    • - Application Date : 2023.02.10(Fri) 00:00 ~ 2023.02.28(Tue) 15:00
    • - Target : Non-Korean accelerators, or Consortia of multiple accelerators that includes non-Korean accelerators
      * A Korean accelerator may apply to the program provided that it creates a consortium with a non-Korean accelerator
      * Once a consortium is organized, a non-Korean accelerator shall take the lead
    • - Submission : Send the documents to the email of the Management Agency
      * Program plan, program budget, curriculum vitae, promotional materials and etc
  • ㅇ For more information : click
    * If connect is rejected : 1. www.k-startup.go.kr -> 2. 사업공고 -> 3. 모집중
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